Perrin Harkins schrieb am 23.03.2010 um 13:08:27 (-0400):
> These are explained with examples in the docs:
> Is there something there that's confusing you?  Can you ask a more
> specific question?

I did see the examples in the doc but fail to understand their
relevance. The first one goes:

  # A list of handlers configured to run at the response phase:
  my @handlers = @{ $r->get_handlers('PerlResponseHandler') || [] };

Now what do I do with that bunch of code references? I think there might
be something useful about this that escapes me.

Almost the same story for set_handlers: Do people use this to
dynamically reconfigure their server? Could it be used to dynamically
take a handler out of service once a certain error condition is met
with, like, say, a Berkeley database in need of recovery (which requires
single-threaded access to perform), or a search engine backend having
become irresponsive?

What have you used these functions for in real code?

I'm sorry I don't have a concrete use case of my own at hand - I'm
really only try to figure out the details of the API so I know how to
best make use of it.
Michael Ludwig

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