Perrin Harkins wrote:
On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 1:07 PM, Chris Bennett
<> wrote:
I do not see my scripts appearing properly in access log

That probably means your scripts are crashing before they finish.  You
could use mod_log_forensic to find out more.

Maybe something also useful to point out : if you are using Apache 2.x + mod_perl 2.x and VirtualHost's, then most perl error messages will appear in the error log of the VirtualHost "running" the script/handler (*)(as one would expect), but some do appear in the "main" server's error log. I never could figure out what determines the choice really.

"Invalid/Incomplete headers from script" (or something similar) is one of those. Warnings about concatenating an undef value with a string also, as I recall.

(*) I guess canonically, I should have said : the error log file configured for the VirtualHost whose configuration was selected to process the request for which the script/handler runs.
But that was quite a mouthful.

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