
I am trying to use the proxypass directive in mod_perl.

I actually got this working (after upgrading to mod_perl 2.4.x) so I
know it is possible to use proxy pass here
but I still have one problem.

I have a perl hander:

package ModPerl::VHost;
use strict;

use Apache2::Const qw(OK DECLINED :options :override);
use Apache2::RequestRec ();
use Apache2::RequestUtil ();
use Apache2::ServerRec ();
use Apache2::ServerUtil ();
use Apache2::Access ();

use Mysql;

my $dbh_persistent = &set_up_connection();

sub handler {
    my $r = shift;
    my $s = $r->server();

  # some code to decide which vhost we are.

  # here is what I use:

   $r->add_config( [
                    'ProxyPass http://www.exampledomain2.com/',

 # some more code.

In my httpd.conf I use

PerlPostReadRequestHandler  ModPerl::VHost

If I use this I can go to http://www.exampledomain1.com/test and I see
the contents from www.exampledomain2.com/

But when I change the last part to

$r->add_config( [
                    'ProxyPass http://www.exampledomain2.com/',
                    'AllowOverride Options AuthConfig',

I get segmentations faults.

If I change it to


I don't get segfault but I also do not get any porxy results. I just
see the default index.html

So how to I get it to proxypass everything for a certain domain (the

I cannot use .htaccess files or server directives since this is done
on the fly. I do not want to reload my server config
every time a change is made and I think must be possible since other
locations (like the /test) do work.

ps I use:


Thanks for any help.


Hans de Groot

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