
I'm using 
  > apache     2.2.3 
  > mod_perl   2.0.2
  > mod_apreq2 2.08
on a linux box.

In my enviroment a user can submit a query to a database. This request
is handled as an Ajax-request. If he forget to add some search parameters
this query can run a long time. So I add a "Cancel"-Button to the frontend
that abort the request. That will work with no problems. But on the
server side the request/query keeps on running.

My handler first collect all data and then send the header and print
the content. Because the handler works for Ajax and "normal" Requests
and first after finishing the complete request I can decide if the
"Content-Type" is html/pdf/json/xml/etc.

Can someone give me a hint or better a solution how I can abort the
request on the server side, too.

Please excuse my english, but I hope you understand my question ;-)

Best regards,


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