On Tuesday, August 31, 2010 22:28:21 Anton Petrusevich wrote:
> I was unable to find the answer how to use such an object.
> ServerRec::names  returns object like this:
> $VAR1 = bless( do{\\(my $o = 19244608)}, 'APR::ArrayHeader' ); 
> I know it maps to apr_array_header_t structure, but is it anyhow useful?
> I wanted dynamically change ServerAlias-es for some virtual hosts, found
> no  solution with mod_perl.

I'd say, you are welcome to implement that class.

As a starting point you could take the patch created by

  svn diff -c 541120

It implements APR::ThreadRWLock from scratch.

Torsten Förtsch

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