Hi, i don't know if this is the right mailing list to ask this question. If
not i'm sorry for that, and if you can help me, give me the right direction
to expose my problem.

I don't touch in perl for about.... 6months ago...

So i wanted to install and have some time programming with HTML::Mason, but
i can't figure why i'm not being successfull.

i have the website folder in /var/www/mason2010

it looks like this:
/var/www/mason2010/docs (in this one i have index.html)

in my apache2 i tried the documentation in masonbook.com (chapter 7)

<VirtualHost mason2010:80>
ServerName mason2010
DocumentRoot /var/www/mason2010/docs/

PerlSetVar MasonCompRoot /var/www/mason2010/docs
PerlSetVar MasonDataDir /var/www/mason2010/mason-data

<LocationMatch "\.html$">

SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler


But no sucess... i'm becomming desesperate about this....
You can see it by going to:

this is my index.html

Why isn't HTML::Mason taking care of the files?

Thank you for your time, i tried to explain everything i did...

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