I have been searching for an answer in httpd forum. But I think I need
to ask here:

I have a requirement to look at content length and if it is greatar
than desired size then return error message. So psuedo code is like:

if content_length > 32G
  if url contains /abc/
      echo "0|abc|Bad length" # pipe delimited format that some
clients api support
  else if url contains /def/
      echo "<xml><message>Bad request</message><xml>" # client supporting XML

I first thought of using LimitRequestBody but that didn't work for me.
So now I am thinking if using perl handlers.

P.S. Note: Our requests are mod-jk requests. So if content length
check succeeds then hand over the request to mod jk workers wihch then
send it to jboss app server.

I tried to write code but still unsure of few thing:

1. If I return  HTTP_REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE response then would it
still continue sending the request to mod_jk. Or would it be returned
back to the client? When does apache decide if request need to be
stopped and send back to the client.
2. Does my code look ok and something that will work? Can someone
please suggest?

This is my sample code

sub content_handler {
  my $r = shift;
  my $uri = $r->uri;
  if ( $r->header_in("Content-length") lt 20000000) {
      return Apache2::Const::OK; # Continue sending request to mod jk worker
  if ($uri =~ /xml/){
     $r->print("File too large|Bye"); #Send pipe delimited back to the
client assuming it will not continue sending this request to mod_jk
     $r->print ("<xml><Message>Too Large, Bye!!</Message></xml>");
#Send xml delimited back to the client assuming it will not continue
sending this request to mod_jk worker

  return Apache2::Const::HTTP_REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE; # Return back to client

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