
I've noticed that when using custom directives within nested <Location>
the result of $r->location reports the parent one only, instead of the

However if I add PerlSetVar the $r->location will report the correct one.

The way to replicate:
please follow the example

and now add:

--- httpd.conf-orig    2010-11-30 12:06:57.491843181 +0000
+++ httpd.conf    2010-11-30 12:07:39.217629859 +0000
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
         PerlResponseHandler MyApache2::CustomDirectivesTest
     <Location /custom_directives_test/subdir>
+        PerlSetVar fix "problem"
         MyPlus 1
         MyList     "SubDir"
         MyAppend   "SubDir"

--- MyApache2-orig/CustomDirectivesTest.pm    2010-11-30
12:03:13.430774397 +0000
+++ MyApache2/CustomDirectivesTest.pm    2010-11-30 12:04:58.655364262 +0000
@@ -39,6 +39,8 @@
     $r->printf("Processing by %s.\n",
         $s->is_virtual ? "virtual host" : "main server");
+    $r->printf("\$r->$_: %s\n", $r->$_)
+        for qw( uri location path_info );
     for my $sec (sort keys %secs) {
         $r->print("\nSection $sec\n");

So when run the output with PerlSetVar is:
# r->uri: /custom_directives_test/subdir
# r->location: /custom_directives_test/subdir
# r->path_info: /subdir

while without:
# r->uri: /custom_directives_test/subdir
# r->location: /custom_directives_test
# r->path_info: /subdir

This has been tested on perl 5.12.2:
Apache/2.2.16 + mod_perl/2.0.4
Apache/2.2.17 + mod_perl/2.0.5-dev (20101111091957)
Apache/2.2.17 + mod_perl/2.0.5-dev (20101130091946)


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