
(server  Apache/2.2.14, OS Ubunto 10.04 LTS, libapreq 2.12.2 )
I'm getting sometimes an 

Internal apreq error

which appears in my apache log with no more information that just that string.
I would like to know where this error happens and why. 
Can I  force apreq  to be a bit more verbose about errors ?
The problem is, I can't reproduce the error, so running apache in debugger is 
no option. 

The only thing I (mean to) know so far: The error happens during large file 
I have a form  where a user can uploald 13 files   which may have have more 
than 100MB.
The apreq  is  patched to allow more that that (MAX set to 1000MB). 


Rolf Schaufelberger

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