On 10-12-14 00:11 , Fred Moyer wrote:
> A release candidate for Apache-Test is now available at the following url:
> http://people.apache.org/~phred/Apache-Test-1.34-rc1.tar.gz
> Please download, test, and report back on this RC.  Summary of changes
> is below.  A couple of very old (8+ years) compatibility features have
> been removed, some bugs are fixed, and some maintenance features have
> been added.  Your setup will not be negatively affected unless you are
> running versions of mod_perl1 that are three versions out of date on a
> case insensitive filesystem.

OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard:

All tests successful, 2 tests skipped.
Files=13, Tests=39,  5 wallclock secs ( 2.29 cusr +  0.55 csys =  2.84 CPU)

Philippe M. Chiasson     GPG: F9BFE0C2480E7680 1AE53631CB32A107 88C3A5A5
http://gozer.ectoplasm.org/       m/gozer\@(apache|cpan|ectoplasm)\.org/

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