Am 08.02.2011 00:58, schrieb Cosimo Streppone:
Hi all,

Apache is segfaulting immediately on startup, before even writing
to the log files. Now, in my code I don't use Class::XSAccessor.

I'm pointing at Class::XSAccessor since it's my only hint.
Seems to me that DBIx::Class uses Class::XSAccessor through
Class::Accessor::Grouped. That's the only use of Class::XSAccessor
I could find in my perl directories.

Next thing I'm going to try is to selectively remove bits from
my to pinpoint areas of the code that might
lead to this segfault.

In the meantime, does thing ring a bell?

It does ring a bell though I also didn't find a solution short of not using Class::XSAccessor in my app. I had the problem with Windows but -- if my memory serves me right -- it did work in Ubuntu (prefork MPM). Since I need it to run on both I still had to remove it.

Sorry if this is not much help


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