On Sat, Feb 19, 2011 at 1:30 PM, Randolf Richardson <rand...@modperl.pl> wrote:
>        It's interesting to know that auto-generated code is a problem, and
> this is providing me with some insight into why some DBIx::Class
> users have been telling me that mod_perl (all versions) is so
> terrible (I didn't experience the problems they described, and your
> comment has shed some light on a possible reason).

For what it is worth, I've been using DBIx::Class with mod_perl for
over five years now, and have not run into any problems worth
mentioning.  I separate my model code from my request handlers though,
and increment the dependency version in my Makefile.PL, so I do a
server restart whenever I update one of the dependent modules.  The
code separation causes the development process to take more time, but
the code is usually better quality in my opinion.

I build a model library with DBIx::Class autoloaders, to which I add
custom methods for my model classes.  Takes a lot of the book keeping
work out of making accessor methods, etc.

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