On Friday, May 06, 2011 17:24:18 Jason Aubrey wrote:
> Any hints/tips/ideas would be very much appreciated.

Are you really sure (I mean really really) that APR::Table is loaded? I 
see you load Apache2::Log but nothing about APR::Table.

I think if you replace line 74

  my $warnings = $r->notes->get("warnings");


  my $warnings = eval {$r->notes->get("warnings")};
  if( $@ ) {
    warn "APR::Table is '$INC{q{APR/Table.pm}}'";
    die $@;

you will see that it is not loaded.

If you use a threaded Perl make sure every interpreter loads APR::Table. 
Do you by chance use PerlOptions +Parent in a VHost?

Torsten Förtsch

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