yes the result is the same.
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On 19 May 2011 19:52, Fred Moyer <> wrote:

> Have you tried mod_deflate?
> On Sat, May 7, 2011 at 3:30 AM, Idel Fuschini <>
> wrote:
> > Hi people,
> > I've got this problem with DEFLATE.
> > This is my code example :
> >   use strict;
> >   use warnings;
> >   use Apache2::Filter ();
> >   use Apache2::RequestRec ();
> >   use APR::Table ();
> >   use Cache::FileBackend;
> >   use Apache2::Const -compile => qw(OK);
> >   use constant BUFF_LEN => 1024;
> >   use vars qw($VERSION);
> >   sub handler {
> >       unless ($f->ctx) {
> >           $f->r->headers_out->unset('Content-Length');
> >           $f->ctx(1);
> >       }
> >
> >       my $Hash=$f->r->subprocess_env();
> >       my $html_page="<b>hello</b>";
> >       my $content_type="text/html";
> >       my $len_bytes=length $html_page;
> >       $f->r->headers_out->set("Content-Length"=>$len_bytes);
> >       $f->r->headers_out->set("Last-Modified" => time());
> >       $f->r->content_type($content_type);
> >       $f->print($html_page);
> >       return Apache2::Const::OK;
> >   }
> > This is my configuration on httpd.conf;
> > <Location /WSDeflate/*>
> >    PerlSetOutputFilter DEFLATE
> >    PerlSetOutputFilter INCLUDES
> >    SetHandler modperl
> >    PerlOutputFilterHandler Apache2::AMFWebService
> >    Allow from all
> > </Location>
> > I don't have any response on my browser, why ?
> > Thanks
> > Idel
> > =====================
> > Mobile: +39 349 442 2668
> > E-Mail:
> > Web Site:
> > OpenSource Project: Apache Mobile Filter -
> >
> > Test Page:
> > Mobile Test Page:
> > ------
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> >

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