According to me <earlier>:
> I don't know how to debug this problem.  No log files in /var/log were
> changed by running the apachectl(8) command and there have been no new
> lines added to /var/log/httpd-error.log since I rebooted and shut down
> apache2 on June 9th as part of the upgrade.  Any and all ideas welcome.

As I had expected, reverting my system to Perl 5.12.3 made all the odd
behaviour of apache2 and/or mod_perl2 disappear.  After the upgrade,
the apache2 server launched as expected and the application in question
ran as before.  The versions of apache2 and mod_perl2 were the same as
before (or after).  The major change was the down-grade from Perl 5.14
to Perl 5.12.3 which seems to have confirmed my suspicions.  Sorry for
all the confusion, however there is something strange about Perl 5.14.



William Bulley                     Email:

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