HappyPerlUser wrote:
Thanks. Answers below.

awarnier wrote:
Q1 : are you running Apache as a Windows Service ?
Q2 : if yes, in the Service properties, is the "allow service to interact
with the desktop" checkbox checked ?
Q3 : still if yes, under what user-id ? is it "Local System", or another
local user, or a domain user ?
Q4 : for such an error, there should be some message in the Windows Event
What does it say there ?

A1. Yes Apache 2.2 running as a service
Apache/2.2.19 (Win32) mod_auth_sspi/1.0.4 mod_perl/2.0.4 Perl/v5.8.8

A2. yes. interactive checkbox is checked

That is why you get this error box.
Have you tried unchecking that option ?
(I'm not saying that it will solve the underlying problem, but it may remove the annoying symptom).

On a separate note : since you are running this on virtual machines, you may want to try running Apache in a command window, from the command-line. There may be error messages appearing then (the ones written to STDERR by perl e.g.), which otherwise you would not get to see. Since it is a virtual machine, you can leave the command window open, and do not need to log off. You can just connect and disconnect from the virtual console as needed. Be aware that if you do that, you will be running Apache under the user-id under which you are currently logged-in on the server, so watch file permissions etc..

A3. Local System account

That's interesting, considering you are logged-in as LocalSystem, which is not a domain account. mod_auth_sspi is to do Windows domain authentication, isn't it ?
I am curious to know how that works when the server is not running as a domain 
(But this has probably nothing to do with the issue at hand).

A4. Exact text is
The instruction at "0x2808625d" referenced memory at "0x13715268". The
memory could not be "read".
Click on OK to terminate the program

The instruction is usually the same, although sometimes it is "0x2802627f"
The referenced memory changes every time.

Further stack debug that we have below:

0:999> .reload;!analyze -v;r;kv;lmnt;.logclose
Loading unloaded module list
*** WARNING: Unable to verify checksum for perl58.dll
*** ERROR: Symbol file could not be found.  Defaulted to export symbols for
perl58.dll - *** WARNING: Unable to verify checksum for mod_perl.so
*** ERROR: Symbol file could not be found.  Defaulted to export symbols for
mod_perl.so - ******************************************************************************* * * * Exception Analysis * * *

*** WARNING: Unable to verify checksum for libapr-1.dll
*** WARNING: Unable to verify checksum for libhttpd.dll
*** WARNING: Unable to verify checksum for httpd.exe
*** WARNING: Unable to verify checksum for libaprutil-1.dll
GetPageUrlData failed, server returned HTTP status 404
URL requested:

FAULTING_IP: perl58!Perl_my_strlcpy+91f
2808627f 83250000000000  and     dword ptr ds:[0],0

EXCEPTION_RECORD:  ffffffff -- (.exr 0xffffffffffffffff)
.exr 0xffffffffffffffff
ExceptionAddress: 2808627f (perl58!Perl_my_strlcpy+0x0000091f)
   ExceptionCode: c0000005 (Access violation)
  ExceptionFlags: 00000000
NumberParameters: 2
   Parameter[0]: 00000001
   Parameter[1]: 00000000
Attempt to write to address 00000000


PROCESS_NAME:  httpd.exe

ERROR_CODE: (NTSTATUS) 0xc0000005 - The instruction at "0x%08lx" referenced
memory at "0x%08lx". The memory could not be "%s".

EXCEPTION_CODE: (NTSTATUS) 0xc0000005 - The instruction at "0x%08lx"
referenced memory at "0x%08lx". The memory could not be "%s".



WRITE_ADDRESS: 00000000 FOLLOWUP_IP: perl58!Perl_my_strlcpy+91f
2808627f 83250000000000  and     dword ptr ds:[0],0







LAST_CONTROL_TRANSFER:  from 1000ada9 to 2808627f

STACK_TEXT: WARNING: Stack unwind information not available. Following frames may be
10b5fe68 1000ada9 00d360f4 145ce478 00c46da8 perl58!Perl_my_strlcpy+0x91f
10b5fe80 10001d3b 00d360f4 00d360f4 00d360f4
10b5fe98 10001dc6 00c46da8 1000268b 00bdeed0
10b5fea0 1000268b 00bdeed0 00bdeec0 00c46da8
10b5febc 100025a4 00bdeed0 00e8e7e0 00c46da8
10b5ff00 6eec7fdb 01046b18 01046b48 0105d0d0
10b5ff24 6ff0aa33 01046b08 00000001 00bdeb2c libapr_1!apr_pool_destroy+0x3b
10b5ff3c 6ff04d61 0105d0d0 0105d0d0 0105d0d0
10b5ff54 6ff05023 0105d0d0 008d3550 10b5ff84
10b5ff64 6ff1da2c 0105d0d0 00eeb568 00000000
10b5ff84 77bcb530 0105d0c8 00000000 00000000 libhttpd!worker_main+0x9c
10b5ffb8 77e6482f 00e9e5b8 00000000 00000000 msvcrt!_endthreadex+0xa3
10b5ffec 00000000 77bcb4bc 00e9e5b8 00000000 kernel32!BaseThreadStart+0x34


SYMBOL_NAME:  perl58!Perl_my_strlcpy+91f

FOLLOWUP_NAME:  MachineOwner


IMAGE_NAME:  perl58.dll


STACK_COMMAND:  dt ntdll!LdrpLastDllInitializer BaseDllName ; dt
ntdll!LdrpFailureData ; ~999s; .ecxr ; kb

FAILURE_BUCKET_ID:  NULL_POINTER_WRITE_c0000005_perl58.dll!Perl_my_strlcpy


WATSON_STAGEONE_URL: http://watson.microsoft.com/StageOne/httpd_exe/2_2_19_0/4dd6eda8/perl58_dll/5_8_8_822/46aff16d/c0000005/0008627f.htm?Retriage=1

Followup: MachineOwner

eax=00000000 ebx=12ba03b8 ecx=00d3d7e8 edx=00d3d7e8 esi=12bccff8
eip=2808627f esp=10b5fdb4 ebp=10b5fe68 iopl=0         nv up ei pl nz na pe
cs=001b ss=0023 ds=0023 es=0023 fs=003b gs=0000 efl=00010206
2808627f 83250000000000 and dword ptr ds:[0],0 ds:0023:00000000=???????? ChildEBP RetAddr Args to Child WARNING: Stack unwind information not available. Following frames may be
10b5fe68 1000ada9 00d360f4 145ce478 00c46da8 perl58!Perl_my_strlcpy+0x91f
10b5fe80 10001d3b 00d360f4 00d360f4 00d360f4
10b5fe98 10001dc6 00c46da8 1000268b 00bdeed0
10b5fea0 1000268b 00bdeed0 00bdeec0 00c46da8
10b5febc 100025a4 00bdeed0 00e8e7e0 00c46da8
10b5ff00 6eec7fdb 01046b18 01046b48 0105d0d0
10b5ff24 6ff0aa33 01046b08 00000001 00bdeb2c libapr_1!apr_pool_destroy+0x3b
(CONV: stdcall)
10b5ff3c 6ff04d61 0105d0d0 0105d0d0 0105d0d0
libhttpd!ap_process_http_connection+0x83 (CONV: cdecl)
10b5ff54 6ff05023 0105d0d0 008d3550 10b5ff84
libhttpd!ap_run_process_connection+0x21 (CONV: stdcall)
10b5ff64 6ff1da2c 0105d0d0 00eeb568 00000000
libhttpd!ap_process_connection+0x33 (CONV: stdcall)
10b5ff84 77bcb530 0105d0c8 00000000 00000000 libhttpd!worker_main+0x9c
(CONV: stdcall)
10b5ffb8 77e6482f 00e9e5b8 00000000 00000000 msvcrt!_endthreadex+0xa3 (FPO:
10b5ffec 00000000 77bcb4bc 00e9e5b8 00000000 kernel32!BaseThreadStart+0x34
(FPO: [Non-Fpo])
start    end        module name
003c0000 003c7000   mod_auth_sspi mod_auth_sspi.so Wed May 17 20:19:58 2006
003e0000 003e5000   Cwd      Cwd.dll      Wed Aug 01 04:35:58 2007
003f0000 003f5000   Const    Const.dll    Fri Aug 22 03:14:08 2008
00400000 00405000   httpd    httpd.exe    Sat May 21 00:39:36 2011
00ca0000 00ca7000   Connection Connection.dll Fri Aug 22 03:12:18 2008
00cb0000 00cb6000   ServerUtil ServerUtil.dll Fri Aug 22 03:13:21 2008
00cc0000 00cc8000   RequestUtil RequestUtil.dll Fri Aug 22 03:13:09 2008
00cd0000 00cd5000   Util     Util.dll     Fri Aug 22 03:13:47 2008
10000000 1001f000   mod_perl mod_perl.so  Fri Aug 22 03:03:26 2008
11430000 11436000   Response Response.dll Fri Aug 22 03:13:13 2008
11440000 1144a000   RequestRec RequestRec.dll Fri Aug 22 03:13:04 2008
11450000 11457000   RequestIO RequestIO.dll Fri Aug 22 03:13:00 2008
11460000 11466000   Log      Log.dll      Fri Aug 22 03:12:43 2008
11470000 11476000   Access   Access.dll   Fri Aug 22 03:11:37 2008
11480000 11487000   Table    Table.dll    Fri Aug 22 03:09:48 2008
11490000 11495000   Status   Status.dll   Fri Aug 22 03:09:23 2008
114a0000 114a5000   Global   Global.dll   Fri Aug 22 03:13:43 2008
114b0000 114c7000   DBI      DBI.dll      Wed Mar 05 06:55:04 2008
114d0000 114d7000   Util_114d0000 Util.dll     Wed Aug 01 04:38:45 2007
114e0000 114e6000   Pool     Pool.dll     Fri Aug 22 03:08:39 2008
114f0000 11504000   Calc     Calc.dll     Tue Mar 14 01:16:51 2006
11510000 11516000   HiRes    HiRes.dll    Tue Jan 06 00:08:34 2009
11520000 11526000   Fcntl    Fcntl.dll    Wed Aug 01 04:38:15 2007
11530000 11543000   POSIX    POSIX.dll    Wed Aug 01 04:39:04 2007
11550000 1155a000   Win32    Win32.dll    Wed Aug 01 04:40:19 2007
11560000 11566000   Service  Service.dll  Wed Aug 01 05:07:46 2007
11570000 11575000   perlchartdir58mt perlchartdir58mt.dll Mon Jan 14
16:52:00 2008 (478B8520)
11580000 117b5000   chartdir chartdir.dll Sat Mar 28 16:59:31 2009
118d0000 118d5000   Base64   Base64.dll   Tue Jul 01 02:46:41 2008
118e0000 118e6000   MD5      MD5.dll      Wed Aug 01 04:36:30 2007
118f0000 118f7000   Socket   Socket.dll   Wed Aug 01 04:39:35 2007
11900000 11905000   Hostname Hostname.dll Wed Aug 01 04:39:47 2007
11910000 11916000   IO       IO.dll       Wed Aug 01 04:38:39 2007
11920000 11946000   Registry Registry.dll Wed Aug 01 05:06:09 2007
12950000 12964000   WinError WinError.dll Wed Aug 01 05:08:04 2007
12970000 12ace000   mysql    mysql.dll    Thu Apr 19 05:37:28 2007
12ad0000 12ad5000   Util_12ad0000 Util.dll     Fri Aug 22 03:11:16 2008
12ae0000 12ae5000   Error    Error.dll    Fri Aug 22 03:07:33 2008
28000000 280c5000   perl58   perl58.dll   Wed Aug 01 04:35:25 2007
5a4c0000 5a4d3000   zlib1    zlib1.dll    Mon Mar 15 02:51:58 2010
5f270000 5f2ca000   hnetcfg  hnetcfg.dll  Sat Feb 17 14:59:38 2007
68000000 68035000   rsaenh   rsaenh.dll   Sat Feb 17 06:49:58 2007
6ee50000 6ee59000   libapriconv_1 libapriconv-1.dll Sat May 21 00:38:31 2011
6ee60000 6ee90000   libaprutil_1 libaprutil-1.dll Sat May 21 00:39:22 2011
6eec0000 6eee3000   libapr_1 libapr-1.dll Sat May 21 00:38:29 2011
6fb00000 6fb06000   mod_authz_host mod_authz_host.so Sat May 21 00:39:43
2011 (4DD6EDAF)
6fba0000 6fba7000   mod_deflate mod_deflate.so Sat May 21 00:39:52 2011
6fc00000 6fc06000   mod_setenvif mod_setenvif.so Sat May 21 00:40:06 2011
6fc20000 6fc27000   mod_mime mod_mime.so  Sat May 21 00:39:57 2011
6fc30000 6fc37000   mod_log_config mod_log_config.so Sat May 21 00:39:58
2011 (4DD6EDBE)
6fc60000 6fc67000   mod_imagemap mod_imagemap.so Sat May 21 00:40:01 2011
6fc80000 6fc86000   mod_dir  mod_dir.so   Sat May 21 00:40:00 2011
6fc90000 6fc97000   mod_cgi  mod_cgi.so   Sat May 21 00:39:56 2011
6fcd0000 6fcd6000   mod_alias mod_alias.so Sat May 21 00:39:59 2011
6ff00000 6ff46000   libhttpd libhttpd.dll Sat May 21 00:39:36 2011
71ae0000 71ae8000   wshtcpip wshtcpip.dll Sat Feb 17 15:02:27 2007
71b20000 71b61000   mswsock  mswsock.dll  Fri Jun 20 20:32:38 2008
71bb0000 71bb9000   wsock32  wsock32.dll  Tue Mar 25 10:43:26 2003
71bf0000 71bf8000   ws2help  ws2help.dll  Sat Feb 17 15:02:18 2007
71c00000 71c17000   ws2_32   ws2_32.dll   Sat Feb 17 15:02:17 2007
71f60000 71f64000   security security.dll Tue Mar 25 10:43:24 2003
76290000 762ad000   imm32    imm32.dll    Sat Feb 17 14:59:59 2007
76b70000 76b7b000   psapi    psapi.dll    Sat Feb 17 15:01:25 2007
76ed0000 76efa000   dnsapi   dnsapi.dll   Thu Mar 03 08:06:05 2011
76f10000 76f3e000   wldap32  wldap32.dll  Sat Feb 17 15:01:57 2007
76f50000 76f63000   secur32  secur32.dll  Wed Feb 04 12:41:02 2009
76f70000 76f77000   winrnr   winrnr.dll   Sat Feb 17 15:01:43 2007
76f80000 76f85000   rasadhlp rasadhlp.dll Sat Feb 17 15:01:01 2007
77380000 77411000   user32   user32.dll   Fri Mar 02 07:38:46 2007
77420000 77523000   comctl32 comctl32.dll Tue Sep 07 14:08:31 2010
77670000 777a9000   ole32    ole32.dll    Mon Jul 26 12:01:18 2010
77b90000 77b98000   version  version.dll  Sat Feb 17 15:01:44 2007
77ba0000 77bfa000   msvcrt   msvcrt.dll   Sat Feb 17 15:02:46 2007
77c00000 77c49000   gdi32    gdi32.dll    Thu Oct 23 13:43:54 2008
77c50000 77cf0000   rpcrt4   rpcrt4.dll   Wed Aug 18 11:27:25 2010
77e40000 77f42000   kernel32 kernel32.dll Sat Mar 21 18:08:26 2009
7c800000 7c8c3000   ntdll    ntdll.dll    Fri Oct 22 14:27:14 2010
7c8d0000 7d0cf000   shell32  shell32.dll  Fri Jan 21 22:59:50 2011
7d180000 7d1d2000   shlwapi  shlwapi.dll  Thu Oct 15 22:19:54 2009
7d1e0000 7d27c000   advapi32 advapi32.dll Mon Feb 09 12:02:55 2009

Unloaded modules:
5a4c0000 5a4d3000   zlib1.dll
    Timestamp: Mon Mar 15 02:51:58 2010 (4B9D92BE)
    Checksum:  00000000
    ImageSize:  00013000
6fba0000 6fba7000   mod_deflate.so
    Timestamp: Sat May 21 00:39:52 2011 (4DD6EDB8)
    Checksum:  00000000
    ImageSize:  00007000
6fcd0000 6fcd6000   mod_alias.so
    Timestamp: Sat May 21 00:39:59 2011 (4DD6EDBF)
    Checksum:  00000000
    ImageSize:  00006000
6fb00000 6fb06000   mod_authz_host.so
    Timestamp: Sat May 21 00:39:43 2011 (4DD6EDAF)
    Checksum:  00000000
    ImageSize:  00006000
6fc90000 6fc97000   mod_cgi.so
    Timestamp: Sat May 21 00:39:56 2011 (4DD6EDBC)
    Checksum:  00000000
    ImageSize:  00007000
6fc80000 6fc86000   mod_dir.so
    Timestamp: Sat May 21 00:40:00 2011 (4DD6EDC0)
    Checksum:  00000000
    ImageSize:  00006000
6fc60000 6fc67000   mod_imagemap.so
    Timestamp: Sat May 21 00:40:01 2011 (4DD6EDC1)
    Checksum:  00000000
    ImageSize:  00007000
6fc30000 6fc37000   mod_log_config.so
    Timestamp: Sat May 21 00:39:58 2011 (4DD6EDBE)
    Checksum:  00000000
    ImageSize:  00007000
6fc20000 6fc27000   mod_mime.so
    Timestamp: Sat May 21 00:39:57 2011 (4DD6EDBD)
    Checksum:  00000000
    ImageSize:  00007000
6fc00000 6fc06000   mod_setenvif.so
    Timestamp: Sat May 21 00:40:06 2011 (4DD6EDC6)
    Checksum:  00000000
    ImageSize:  00006000
28000000 280c5000   perl58.dll
    Timestamp: Wed Aug 01 04:35:25 2007 (46AFF16D)
    Checksum:  00000000
    ImageSize:  000C5000
10000000 1001f000   mod_perl.so
    Timestamp: Fri Aug 22 03:03:26 2008 (48AE105E)
    Checksum:  00000000
    ImageSize:  0001F000
77670000 777a9000   ole32.dll
    Timestamp: Mon Jul 26 12:01:18 2010 (4C4D5CEE)
    Checksum:  0013CFD9
    ImageSize:  00139000
003c0000 003c7000   mod_auth_sspi.so
    Timestamp: Wed May 17 20:19:58 2006 (446B694E)
    Checksum:  00009E3B
    ImageSize:  00007000
71f60000 71f64000   SECURITY.DLL
    Timestamp: Tue Mar 25 10:43:24 2003 (3E8024BC)
    Checksum:  0000FD45
    ImageSize:  00004000
00cd0000 00cd5000   Util.dll
    Timestamp: Fri Aug 22 03:13:47 2008 (48AE12CB)
    Checksum:  00000000
    ImageSize:  00005000
Closing open log file c:\debuglog.txt

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