This looks like it will work nicely. For historical / search engine purposes, the read() function is part of the Apache2::RequestIO package. Here's an example implementation:

use Apache2::RequestIO   ();
use Apache2::RequestUtil ();
use Apache2::RequestRec  ();
use Apache2::Log         ();

use Apache2::Const -compile => qw(OK DECLINED :log);

sub handler {
        my $r = shift;

        # handle POST requests
        if ( $r->method() eq "POST" ) {
                # create a post data buffer
                my $PostBuffer = '';
                # loop over each line of data
                while($r->read($PostBuffer, 1024)) {
                        $r->log->notice("[mod_cfml] Post Data '$PostBuffer' ");

With this, I got the following in my Apache error_log:

[Fri Dec 09 14:25:54 2011] [notice] [client] [mod_cfml] Post Data 'stuff='

Which is exactly what I wanted, as I was submitting a blank form field called "stuff" as a test.

Thanks Lloyd! =)

Warm Regards,
Jordan Michaels

On 12/09/2011 11:58 AM, Lloyd Richardson wrote:
while($r->read($buffer, 1024)) {}

Should do it.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jordan Michaels []
Sent: December-09-11 1:46 PM
Subject: Access to Apache 2 POST data?

I'm looking for a way to pass HTTP POST data from a POST request to a 
subrequest, however, I can't find any methods in the mod_perl API that deal 
with a HTTP POST request body.

Apche 1 mod_perl had $r->content, but that doesn't appear to be present in 
Apache 2 mod_perl. Can anyone point me to the replacement? I'm sure I'm just 
missing it.

If there's not a $r->content equivalent, maybe there's a bucket brigade 
workaround or something along those lines? I just need to be pointed in the right 

Thank you in advance for your help!

Warm Regards,
Jordan Michaels

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