Tommaso Torti wrote:
Hi all,

i'm using mod_perl in order to retrieve all keys from a POST request with:

my $request = Apache2::Request->new($r);
my $data = $request->param();

When i receive something like
$data contains all 3 keys

but with
$data contains only 2 keys: key1 and key2&key3

Is there a way to retrieve all the 3 keys like the first case? Any suggestions?
Thank you,

As far as I know, there isn't a way, because the browser will not send any data for an input field that is empty in the <form>.

If you want to do that, then you would need some javascript inside the form, which fills the empty fields with some "dummy" sequence (like "--empty--"), before posting the form.
Then your module/script would need to catch such fields, and consider them as 

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