> From: Torsten Förtsch <torsten.foert...@gmx.net>

> Best would be if you could make an educated guess based on the Content-Length 
> request header if the uploaded file will exceed the limit. Most clients send 
> an "Expect: 100-continue" header and thus give the server a chance to 
> decline 
> the request *before* the body is sent. If the body is already on the way the 
> only thing you can do is to close the connection. I don't know if httpd does 
> that immediately or if it reads and discards the whole body.

> The code below is the relevant piece of CGI.pm. So, yes, the upload hook gets 
> the data as it is written to the temp file.
>   while (defined($data = $buffer->read)) {
>     if (defined $self->{'.upload_hook'}) {
>       $totalbytes += length($data);
>       &{$self->{'.upload_hook'}}($filename ,$data, $totalbytes,
>                                  $self->{'.upload_data'});
>     }
>     print $filehandle $data if ($self->{'use_tempfile'});
>   }

thanks for all the knowledge Torsten (and everyone else).  This stuff is the 
holy grail I have been looking for for years.  This is a fantastic list!

Mike Cardeiro

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