On Thu, Mar 01, 2012 at 10:38:49AM -0600, Jason Aubrey wrote:

> I recently used perlbrew to install perl 5.14.2, and then I compiled apache
> 2.2.22, mod_perl-2.0.5, and libapreq2-2.13.  But then I think I'm getting a
> binary incompatibility problem:
> jason@plato:~$ perl -MAPR::Request -e 1
> Not a CODE reference at
> /home/jason/perl5/perlbrew/perls/perl-5.14.2/lib/5.14.2/i686-linux-thread-multi/DynaLoader.pm
> line 213.

> I found this describing a possible bug in ExtUtils::MakeMaker that gives a
> similar error for other modules:
> http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/perl-devel/2011-June/037523.html
> However, I could find no bug report about this on cpan (against libapreq2,
> there are unattended bug reports about the general issue for
> ExtUtils::MakeMaker).  Also, I tried adding CCFLAGS =>
> "$Config::Config{ccflags}", to the Makefile.PL in glue/perl, but maybe
> that's not the right way to do it because I get the same error.  Do you
> think this is the cause of the error? If so, any suggestions for making it
> work?

I doubt libapreq2 needs fixing, your call trace looks like it's loading
APR.so which is built from mod_perl2 itself.

See the thread around
for some past discussion on that.

The patch we're currently applying in Debian is

Niko Tyni   nt...@debian.org

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