On Mon, Jun 4, 2012 at 3:43 PM, André Warnier <a...@ice-sa.com> wrote:
> So, if the response handler (which runs your script/program which runs the
> DBI code) is busy doing something with the database server, but not writing
> anything back to the client, it will happily continue doing that for as long
> as it takes.
> When it is done talking to the database server, and starts sending the data
> to the client, then it will get the error and probably crash, unless it is
> prepared for such errors and returns nicely.

After all that, Apache::DBI will issue a rollback on the database
handle IF you initiated the handle with AutoCommit turned off.

For people who don't use Apache::DBI or who start their connections
with AutoCommit on and turn it off for brief sections, I recommend
installing your own cleanup handler that will issue a rollback in case
there's an uncaught exception in your code during a transaction.

- Perrin

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