Bill Moseley wrote:
My goal is from a Perlbrew (per-user Perl) environment install mod_perl2
and libapreq2 from CPAN either directly using tools like "cpan" and
"cpanm", or automatically as dependencies listed in other CPAN
distributions.   The reason for this goal is to allow multiple developers
on a single machine to work in their own development environment and
possibly different versions of Perl.  Perlbrew solves this.

It's not a strict requirement, but I'd prefer to use the system-installed
Apache.   What that means is that and would be
installed per-user and not installed in the system Apache modules
directory.  Then LoadModule would have to point to these two locally
installed modules.

Anyone have experience doing this?

Considering the amount of work you seem to have already done for this, I hate to say this, but I think that you are on the wrong track here. I don't see how you could achieve what you seem to want without having one distinct Apache instance (and probably even installation) for each user.

The whole point of mod_perl is to have a perl interpreter loaded and embedded at startup into the loaded and running Apache server code, so I cannot imagine how you could switch this at run-time to a user-specific set.
(a side-question being how you decide which user to switch to).

You could run several instances of Apache under different user-id's, on different ports, with a different configuration, pointing to different directories to load their modules from however.

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