On Fri, Oct 12, 2012 at 11:59 AM, Fred Moyer <f...@redhotpenguin.com> wrote:
> - A stable history of distribution packaging. Odds are the platform
> you are using has mod_perl / Apache rpms/deb/ebuilds/etc for quite
> some time.

These days more developers want to build (and even deploy) their own
perl using tools such as perlbrew, not the one that comes with the
distribution, and building perl _and_ mod_perl is certainly doable as
mentioned elsewhere in this thread, but is a separate step that's not
required in most PSGI perl-based server setup.

> - Knowledge that mod_perl has been proven in large scale deployments.
> The biggest I've worked on is about 500 servers if I recall correctly.

PSGI based deployment has been used and deployed in many online
services, small to large, personal to enterprise to PaaS, such as:
DeNA/ngmoco, livedoor, NHN, BBC, mixi, Booking, Stackato, dotcloud,
just to name a few (that I know).

Also: search.cpan.org and metacpan.org both run on top of PSGI
(Starman and Twiggy), so does cpanmetadb.plackperl.org, the backend of
cpanminus - although it serves about millions of requests per day, it
isn't considered a large scale deployment since it runs as one process
on one server :)

Tatsuhiko Miyagawa

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