On 15/11/12 11:40 AM, Randolf Richardson wrote:

Pretty well, we also get a similar problem when some IE clients download
pictures (jpg's).

Software caused connection abort at 
/home/apache/metapoint/trunk/Metadot/UploadsManager.pm line 216,<OUT>  chunk 

The code here is (edited for brevity)

open OUT, "<$read_file";
binmode (OUT);
print $CGI->header(%header_values);
          local $/ = undef;
          while(<OUT>) {

        One question:  Do you need a blank line after the headers to
differentiate from the content?  If $CGI->header isn't providing it,
then this could explain why the client isn't getting the image, and
raw binary data where headers are expected could be a problem too.

open OUT, "<$read_file";
binmode (OUT);
print $CGI->header(%header_values);
print "\r\n"; # --- Some systems may only need "\n"
          local $/ = undef;
          while(<OUT>) {

        Consider this to be a random idea that may be worth trying.  I hope
this helps.

Tried in staging, broke everything :) Thanks for the idea.

After further checking the cause does appear to be the client
side aborting. We have checked with the exact clients/systems
reported and everything works properly when we do it so ......

Thanks to all for their help


Dave Morgan
Operations Manager, Cool Places In Canada
403 288 8759 / 866 938 0516

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