On 12/19/2012 2:40 AM, Feng He wrote:

<VirtualHost *:80>
         ServerAdmin x...@yyy.com
         ServerName example.com

         PerlModule Apache::DBI
         PerlPostConfigRequire /path/to/startup.pl

         <Location />
             SetHandler modperl
             PerlResponseHandler Handler1

         <Location /ip/>
             SetHandler modperl
             PerlResponseHandler Handler2

         Alias /zzz/ "/var/www/zzz/"
         <Directory /var/www/zzz/>
                 Options FollowSymLinks MultiViews
                 AllowOverride None
                 Order allow,deny
                 allow from all

         ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/error.log
         LogLevel warn
         CustomLog /var/log/apache2/cdn.access.log combined


I put some static files under /var/www/zzz/.
When accessing these static files, I got 403 error.
Can't alias command work for this case?


Here is an apache config I use that works:

PerlSwitches -I "/pub/www/world"
PerlModule World

<Location /world>
        PerlSetupEnv Off
        SetHandler modperl
        PerlResponseHandler World
        Order allow,deny
        Allow from all

<Location /world/css>
        SetHandler default-handler
        Allow from all

<Location /world/js>
        SetHandler default-handler
        Allow from all

Alias /world/css /pub/www/world/css
Alias /world/js /pub/www/world/js


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