No, you have to restart the server for code changes to be noticed.
On May 18, 2014 6:48 PM, "Worik Stanton" <> wrote:

> I am having a nproblem executing my handler.
> The short of it is it is when I make a change to the script I have to
> restart the server to get it noticed, and it does not always call the
> same code.
> The lng of it:
> I have a package with a 'handler' function.
> It starts...
> package Apache::Script;
> use strict;
> use Apache2::Const qw(:common);
> use Apache2::Connection;
> [snip]
> sub handler {
>     warn "Apache::Script::handler $$ '".join(", ", @_)."'";
>     my $r = shift;
> [snip]
> Many more lines like...
>     warn "Apache::Script::handler";
> And in the config file:
>     <Location /Script>
>         SetHandler  perl-script
>         PerlResponseHandler Apache::Script
>     </Location>
> Repeatedly loading the URL I get different results almost every time.
> With the first 'warn' statement producing oyutput almst every iteration
> and occasionally the later warn statements not being executed, and often
> with no output.
> Making changes t the script (adding debugging 'warn' statements) are
> only reliably (ish) noticed if I restart the server.  There is some
> unreliability in my code (bugs) I am trying to track down but it is
> confounded by the fact I am not sure what mod_perl is doing.
> There seems to be a time element.  After restarting the server
> everything goes well for a while  (minutes) but soon behaviour changes
> and I am back to only some of the code executing (with no oither changes
> but the passing of time).
> I thought mod_perl would reload code that changed.  Is this wrong?
> Worik
> --
> The only true evil is turning people into things....
>                                          Granny Weatherwax
> 021-1680650, (03) 4821804
>                           Aotearoa (New Zealand)

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