>On Fri, Sep 12, 2014 at 02:25:49PM -0400, Lathan Bidwell wrote:

> >> The documentation for the AuthType field does not seem to give examples
> for
> >> custom auth handlers.
> >>
> >> The AuthType I put in is the package name that has the auth subroutines
> in
> >> it.
> >>
> >> This is pulled from other examples, including Apache2::AuthCookie
> where they set it to their module name.
> >>
> >> None of the options listed there seem applicable to me:
> >>listed where?  in Apache2::AuthCookie?  I'm not following but never mind.
> >>
> >> I'm not using basic auth, I'm not using mod_auth_digest, or
> mod_auth_form,
> >> and I don't have no auth... so it doesn't seem right to use AuthType
> None.
> >>
> >I'm not suggesting you do and the config snippet I pasted from the
> originally referenced URL didn't either.
> > (That AuthType setting was working fine in Apache 2.2)
> >... but it's all changed in 2.4 ?

Yes, The config posted is what we've tried to upgrade our previous config

> >

>But I'm going to butt out of this converstaion because
>> >
> >
> >(a) I'm just coming to grips with it all myself
I still welcome your viewpoint

> >(b) I can't cope with top-posting and the conversation getting all mixed
> up.
My apologies for the top-posting, my mail client makes it a little
difficult to respond inline

> >Kind regards
> >
> >Lesley
> >
Thank you for your help,

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