SOLVED. I messed around with Poudriere, but it kept insisting that I
re-instal Apache24 over Apache22 (completely ignoring make.conf or command
line parameters), which I'd previously learned doesn't work with mod_perl2.
I even tried to lock Apache22, but it just would not create a package with
that version. What a dilemma.

Then I was lucky enough to discover a mod_perl2 development snapshot package
that also insisted on re-installing Apache24, but it was worth a try at this
point, and it worked perfectly (ap24-mod_perl2-2.0.8_4,3). Thanks everyone.

-----Original Message-----
From: GLG [] 
Sent: Sunday, May 10, 2015 2:58 PM
To: 'mod_perl list'
Subject: RE: mod_perl and apache 2.4

No disrespect intended folks, For a while I was just wondering if I was at
the right place, not wanting to annoy people out-of-place in a public list.
But I did receive assistance and something to go on. Tomorrow I will
remove/deinstall everything mod_perl related from the system, reinstall as
prescribed and report back here. Hopefully, my experience will help others
in the future. Thank you, 

-----Original Message-----
From: Vincent Veyron [] 
Sent: Sunday, May 10, 2015 8:28 AM
To: Jie Gao
Cc: GLG; 'mod_perl list'
Subject: Re: mod_perl and apache 2.4

On Sun, 10 May 2015 11:58:56 +1000
Jie Gao <> wrote:
> You've now got help from Randal! So you know this is really mod_perl list.

Well put!

                                        Salutations, Vincent Veyron 
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