On Tue, Jun 02, 2015 at 06:45:16PM +0100, Steve Hay wrote:
> On 2 June 2015 at 17:18, Dominic Hargreaves <d...@earth.li> wrote:

> > If your main concern is whether RC2's test suite works within Debian,
> > then the answer is yes:
> >
> > https://buildd.debian.org/status/fetch.php?pkg=libapache2-mod-perl2&arch=amd64&ver=2.0.9~rc2-1&stamp=1433186697
> >
> > (at least except with perl 5.22, as I posted about separately).
> >
> What's the problem with 5.22? I don't see a separate post, except from
> David Wheeler, reporting a problem with 5.22. I also found a problem
> late in the 5.21 development cycle that I knew would cause a problem
> for 5.22: https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=101962

I posted to d...@perl.apache.org at 12:05 +0100 yesterday, message-id
<20150602110512.gd30...@urchin.earth.li> but it doesn't seem to have
made it through.

> Is the problem anything to do with that?

Yes, it does seem to be the same issue. The Debian report is 

> I'm inclinced to just add a note to README about 5.22 woes for now so
> that we can get a 2.0.9 out there that works with the latest httpd,
> and then work on supporting this latest perl for 2.0.10.

Sure, that seems reasonable.


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