I have the following config

>     <VirtualHost [redacted]:80>
>         ...
>         PerlOptions +Parent
>         PerlSwitches -T -w -I/home/pdxep/gallery
>         PerlModule Apache2::Reload
>         PerlModule Album
>         PerlModule env
>         <Location /gallery>
>             PerlInitHandler Apache2::Reload
>             PerlSetVar app_dir      /var/webapp
>             PerlSetVar template_dir /templates
>             PerlSetVar albums_dir   /albums
>             PerlSetVar static_url   /static
>             PerlSetVar albums_url   /albums
>             SetHandler perl-script
>             PerlResponseHandler Album
>         </Location>
>         <Location /env>
>             SetHandler perl-script
>             PerlResponseHandler env
>         </location>
>     </VirtualHost>

My handler script (Album.pm) retrieves the variables with

    my $s = Apache2::ServerUtil->server;
    my $app_dir      = $s->dir_config('app_dir');
    my $template_dir = $app_dir . $s->dir_config('template_dir');

However it's getting empty strings for the values.  This was working
when the PerlSetVar directives were outside the VirtualHost block.

According to the documentation


PerlSetVar is scoped "DIR" meaning it can appear in Directory,
Location or Files blocks.  What am I doing wrong?

Jim Garrison (j...@acm.org)
PGP Keys at http://www.jhmg.net RSA 0x04B73B7F DH 0x70738D88

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