subprocess_env method will let you get apache's env:

On Fri, Oct 2, 2015 at 6:24 PM, Michael A. Capone <> wrote:

> In my code, I do:
> <Location something>
>     SetEnvIf Request_URI \.gif$ gif-image
>     SetHandler modperl
>     PerlResponseHandler MyNiftyModule
>     PerlOptions +SetupEnv
> </Location>
> And then, yes, I have access to $ENV{'gif-image'}, with a value of "1".
> Alternatively, i can
>    SetEnvIf Request_URI \.gif$ gif-image=YES
> ... and $ENV{'gif-image'} will have a value of 'YES'.
> Note that you have to do
>     PerlOptions +SetupEnv
> in order for this to pass through (as far as i know; unsetting it made my
> custom $ENV's go away).
> In a perfect world, we would have "PerlSetEnvIf". :)
> On 10/02/2015 02:39 AM, André Warnier wrote:
>> Hi again.
>> Assuming this kind of configuration :
>> <Location something>
>>     SetEnvIf Request_URI \.gif$ gif-image
>>     SetHandler modperl
>>     PerlResponseHandler MyNiftyModule
>> ..
>> </Location>
>> is there any way, in MyNiftyModule, to "get at" this "gif-image" variable
>> ?
>> Such as, would I find it as $ENV{'gif-image'} ?
>> What kind of thing are these "Apache environment variables" anyway ?
>> I have been using them extensively within Apache itself, but I still
>> can't quite figure out on what plane they live.  Clearly, they are not
>> "environment variables" in the same sense as "cgi-bin environment
>> variables", and not the same thing either as what a "PerlsetVar" does, so
>> what are they ?
>> (And I realise that this is more of an Apache httpd question, but I
>> figure that if someone should be aware of the httpd internals, there is a
>> good chance of finding such a person here).

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