On Thu, Apr 21, 2016 at 5:20 AM, Iosif Fettich <ifett...@netsoft.ro> wrote:

> I'm trying to achieve the following: when there is an incoming request, I
> want to set a time limit in which an answer should be delivered to the
> client, no matter what.
> However, since the work triggered by the initial request (there is another
> request to other site involved)  might take much longer than that time
> limit, I want that work to properly finish, despite the fact that the
> initial request was 'served' already.

TMTOWTDI, but the common way to do this is to add the long-running job to a
job queue, and then redirect the user to a page that periodically checks if
the job is done by using JavaScript requests.

If you don't have a job queue and don't want to add one just for this, you
could use a cleanup handler to run the slow stuff after disconnecting:

That will tie up a mod_perl process though, so it's not a good way to go
for large sites.

- Perrin

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