On 16-07-19 11:55 PM, yhp...@orange.fr wrote:
Though I have written several handlers using mp2, but for further web
development under modperl, what framework do you suggest to go with?

(I have few experience on Dancer, which I don't think work together with


Anything built on top of plack (including Dancer) can be run under mod_perl using Plack::Handler::Apache2, so it's really up to whatever your personal preference is.

docs on how to run Dancer under mod_perl can be found here:

That said, any framework you use isn't *really* going to leverage mod_perl, as they are all design to just run during the response phase of the apache request processing cycle. It's through leveraging that the mod_perl's power really shines. You can read more about what I'm talking about here:



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