Additional hint :

Normally, when Apache goes through the "effort" of setting up a new child process, you would want that this child process then runs for as long as possible (for as many requests as possible), to avoid the repeated overhead of restarting another child process.
In an Apache prefork configuration, you would do this by setting

MaxRequestsPerChild 0   (or a very high number)

(as per

However, some perl modules/applications are known to "leak memory" (meaning that each time they are called, the Apache child memory footprint increases a bit, and never goes down anymore). And after a while, depending on how busy the site is and how many times that application is called, Apache may crash if it does not have enough memory anymore.

That is why, in some cases, you would set this MaxRequestsPerChild to a value different from 0, to limit the number of requests that any Apache child would process, before it is forcefully terminated by Apache, and replaced by a new one. (The exact number used, would depend on how much additional memory it uses after each request). Terminating this child process would return the used memory to the OS, and the new child would start again fresh, with a minimum amount of memory.
Then it will start growing again, until it hits the limit again, etc..

So, setting MaxRequestsPerChild <> 0, is in fact a "quick-and-dirty fix" for a problem of the application (it should not do that, leaking memory). And it would be better to fix the application, so that it can run without leaking memory..

You still have not indicated what your OS is, or what kind of Apache MPM you 
are using.
If you need more help, please do that the next time you post a message here.

On 05.10.2016 10:53, SUZUKI Arthur wrote:
Hello David, André,

the server we're working with is fully dedicated to Koha.

Thank you André for your hints about Apache configurations.

@David, same thing, I'll try to preload C4::ILSDI:Services and see if it helps.

Thanks to both of you, I'll let you know about the results.

Le 05/10/2016 à 01:20, David Cook a écrit :
Sounds like André is on the right track. I've certainly run into a similar
issue (with a non-Koha app).

However, because I was using the Catalyst framework, I was able to just
preload the entire app, so that the Perl modules were loaded into the Apache
master process before forking, and that did the trick. That app is a lot
smaller than Koha though too. This case is a bit more complicated since Koha
isn't really a MVC app, but you could look at the Koha Plack examples and
see which modules they pre-load.

You might also want to run with Devel::NYTProf to identify what
exactly is slowing down that 1s long query.

I've only played with PerlOptions +Parent a bit, but I'm guessing that you
have multiple mod_perl apps, and that we're not actually seeing your entire
httpd.conf configuration relating to Koha, right?

David Cook
Systems Librarian
Prosentient Systems
72/330 Wattle St
Ultimo, NSW 2007

Office: 02 9212 0899
Direct: 02 8005 0595

-----Original Message-----
From: André Warnier []
Sent: Tuesday, 4 October 2016 10:02 PM
Subject: Re: Cache refresh each 50 queries?


On 04.10.2016 10:17, SUZUKI Arthur wrote:

On 03.10.2016 16:57, SUZUKI Arthur wrote:
Hello List,
I'm sending this message to know if there are some hints/tips to
help with the problem we're facing.
The problem is that for a same query repeated over time, reply time
can be as short as 5ms and as long as 1s.

Since there is neither correlation with CPU load or RAM usage, nor
any networking constraints, we think it is due to the cache refresh

The problem occurs at random times, with a probability of around
1/50 queries (empirical data).

Is there any configuration option which could help?

Our current httpd.conf contains the following:

PerlModule ModPerl::Registry
PerlOptions +Parent
PerlSwitches -I/home/koha/src

<Files "">
    SetHandler perl-script
    # more faster, link with worker
    PerlResponseHandler ModPerl::Registry
    # less faster, link with prefork
    #PerlResponseHandler ModPerl::PerlRun
    Options +ExecCGI
    PerlOptions +ParseHeaders

Thanks a lot in advance for your replies.
Best regards,
You still do not provide enough information about your server
(the part not mod_perl specific) to really make a narrow guess, but let me
anyway :

One thing that might explain a seemingly-long processing time for a
approximately once in 50 calls, is if there was something special and
resource-intensive which happens once per approximately 50 calls, right ?

One thing which /might/ explain this, /perhaps/ and depending on your
configuration, is if approximately once in 50 calls, Apache had to fork a
child process, to handle the call. This new child process would then start
a brand-new, fresh Perl interpreter, which might need to recompile some
modules before it even starts handling the request.

Look for example here :
and your configuration line above :
   PerlOptions +Parent

In that configuration, the cgi-bin script which you are running (and all
dependencies), is not compiled by the embedded perl until it has been run
least once.
So the first execution will take more time than the following ones.
Now if the rest of your configuration is so that every 50 requests or so,
Apache starts a new child with a new perl interpreter, that may explain
symptoms that you are observing.

When Apache handles a request (if it is a "prefork" MPM), it will look for
child Apache which is free, to pass the request for execution.  If the
server is
lightly loaded, it may be that the child to which it passes the next
request is
always the same, because it is always done with the previous request, and
free, when the next request comes in.
But if this child process somehow has a limit to how many requests it may
process before it dies, and this limit was around 50, then somewhere
the 50th request, another child would get the next request, and for this
it would be the first one (or the first one with /this/ cgi-bin script).

There are roughly similar phenomenons that might happen in other kinds of
Apache MPM's, which is why it is important to know which one you are
and with which setup parameters.

And yes, there are ways to improve this.  But again, we would need to know
more about your configuration in order to make suggestions.

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