
That is my fault. I should not provide Apache::DB in my distribution
I have fixed that. 

Wait when CPAN pause process package

24.05.2017, 21:37, "Todd Wade" <tr...@sbcglobal.net>:
> This is more a pause question I guess than a mod_perl one but it affects
> mod_perl:
> installing Apache::DB via CPAN is for some reason installing
> Devel-DebugHooks:
> https://metacpan.org/release/Devel-DebugHooks
> Somehow Apache::DB is in there, but not the XS bits, so you don't get
> the .so file and so trying to use it fails.
> Anyone know why Devel-DebugHooks is installing when I tell the cpan
> client to install Apache::DB?
> This is the dist I was expecting to be installed:
> https://metacpan.org/release/Apache-DB
> And it still has the C bits that gives a working Apache::DB.
> Regards,

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