
I am using much the same kind of config (Apache 2.4, mod_perl, own AAA module, cgi-bin) in multiple places, and have not seen that issue yet. But let me gather some additional info, to make sure, and I'll get back here.

On 09.06.2017 12:35, Jie Gao wrote:
Hi All

I have run into a problem with CGI under mod_perl, and I can't get my head 
around it.

I wanted to put a "cgi-bin" directory under my authentication/authorisation handlers, but 
while authen/authz works fine (debug showing access granted), the directory is in the end not 
handled by "cgi-script", the default cgid content handler, and the text of the cgi script 
gets displayed instead.

My configuration is like the following:


PerlAddAuthzProvider my_User W::W::Authnz->authz

<VirtualHost _default_:443>
ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ "/var/www/my-server-name/cgi-bin/"

<Directory /var/www/my-server-name/cgi-bin>
     AllowOverride None

#    PerlOptions +SetupEnv
#    Options +ExecCGI
#    SetHandler modperl
#    PerlAuthenHandler W::W::Authnz->authen
#    AuthType mytype
#    AuthName 'myname'
#    <RequireAll>
#    Require my_User mylogin
#    Require ip 10.65.
#    </RequireAll>



If I comment out, as above, all the mod_perl configurations, and then add "Require 
all granted" to the directory stanza, the cgi scripts will run normally.

Any tips/pointers as to where else I should look would be much appreciated.



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