Hi list,

I have a question regarding tuning @INC at VirtualHost level, with prefork MPM.

In the doc :
is written :
"under prefork your procs will be huge, because
you will build a pool of interpreters in each process"

Let's then imagine the following configuration :

Several VH (let's say 10) with the same PerlSwitches configuration :
<VirtualHost ...>
    PerlSwitches -I/home/production/lib/perl

And one VH with another PerlSwitches configuration :
<VirtualHost ...>
    PerlSwitches -I/home/development/lib/perl

My question is then about the "pool of interpreters".
I understand that several interpreters will be launched because they
require different @INC configurations.
But in my example, will I have 2 (2 different PerlSwitches configurations)
or 11 (11 different VH using PerlSwitches) interpreters launched ?

The difference is rather important.

Thank you very much !

Best regards,


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