If it may help : Steve Hay was very helpful to me some time (and Apache/perl versions) ago, building new binary versions on request. I'd suggest to drop him a line.

On 03.09.2017 19:51, Randolf Richardson wrote:
        There's no need to apologize -- you also pose a good question.

        I couldn't find binaries, but I did find Steve Hay's name in CPAN
with a source-only downloadable 2.0.10 version, here:


        If you check the left-hand side, you should see a "Download" link
which will get you a .tar.gz file containing full sources.  I could
not find any .DLL files in that archive, but upon a cursory look
there does seem to be instructions for compiling on Windows.

        Since I only use mod_perl2 on Unix, I don't know anything about how
to get it compiled on Windows, and more importantly I don't have the
tools to do this with (I also couldn't get MingW to work properly,
but to be fair I also didn't spend a whole lot of time on it).

        I do think, however, that it could be very beneficial to the ModPerl
project because it would probably result in more people using ModPerl
on Windows servers.  In particular, the Windows binaries have always
been difficult to obtain, and I noticed this a long time ago when I
had to get it working on a few servers owned by clients that were
running Apache HTTPd on Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows 7.

        What I think should be available in terms of binaries are 32-bit and
64-bit versions that will work with Strawberry Perl and also
ActiveState Perl (if that requires separate downloads, so be it as
long as it's available), plus any other major Perl distributions (I'm
not aware of any).  And it's also important that the download include
the various "Apache2" packages (modules) in compiled form too so that
users don't have to spend time finding them (for me, Apache2::Reload
usually had to be obtained from elsewere and it wasn't always easy to
find back then; ditto for a few other modules I've since forgotten).

        I don't know how difficult this is, but if it's possible to run a
Unix script that cross-compiles all of these then I'd be willing to
do that and even host it on http://www.modperl.pl/ (a web site I
started a few years ago but haven't done much with yet) for free
download by the public.  I think it would be better for those files
to be available through the official mod_perl web site, however.

        The bottom line is that on Unix (and Linux) it's usually not a
problem to compile mod_perl2 from sources since most Unix/Linux users
are already familiar with this, and also many flavours of Unix (and
distributions of Linux) have binary repositories that pre-compiled
software can be downloaded and installed from.  With Windows, the
problem is that most users don't know how to compile code from
sources, primarily because they're accustomed to installing software
that was pre-compiled by the respective vendors, and so when they
encounter source code that must be compiled they often give up and
seek other solutions, but if they had binaries that they could just
easily copy then I suspect that there could be a lot more mod_perl2
installations running on Apache 2.4 (and 2.2) on Windows.

I apologize for resurrecting a long-idle thread, but I haven't been able to 
find any newer binaries for mod_perl than 2.0.8 for Perl 5.20.1 (from 
http://people.apache.org/~stevehay/).  Are there newer binaries available 
anywhere that I just haven't been successful in locating?  Ideally, I'd like to 
get into the mod_perl 2.0.10 / Perl 5.22 for 64bit on windows (I use the 64-bit 
Apache for windows from apachelounge).

        Lewis Foster

-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Hay [mailto:steve.m....@googlemail.com]
Sent: Monday, November 02, 2015 8:06 AM
To: Thomas den Braber <tho...@delos.nl>
Cc: modperl@perl.apache.org
Subject: Re: Compiling 2.0.9 with Strawberry Perl 5.20 on windows (64Bit)

On 2 November 2015 at 09:42, Thomas den Braber <tho...@delos.nl> wrote:
I will make new binaries for 2.0.9 soon, but want to get mod_perl
working with Perl 5.22.x first.

That is great I will be looking forward to it.
Will that be for Apache 2.4 or 2.2, or both ?

2.09 with Strawberry Perl 5.22 and Apache 2.4. It sound like a winner!

I will make 2.0.9 binaries for httpd-2.2 and -2.4, hopefully with both
perl-5.20 and -5.22, but the -5.22 fix isn't done yet...

Randolf Richardson - rand...@inter-corporate.com
Inter-Corporate Computer & Network Services, Inc.
Beautiful British Columbia, Canada

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