"and uses the CGI module only for parsing the incoming request."

I was going to follow up on this thread and ask for suggestions on what I could/should use for incoming request parsing. I have never gone further in mod_perl beyond Apache::Registry and just running traditional CGI programs, and I only use CGI.pm to get the request parameters (but I use it a LOT). Is there another modeule that I can drop in to get that functionality? Or should I happily keep using CGI.pm (which I have no problem installing from CPAN as long as it's available).

On 11/29/2017 01:13 PM, Randal L. Schwartz wrote:
My CGI::Prototype is still in use by one of my primary clients, and uses
the CGI module only for parsing the incoming request.  The rest is a
nice prototype-inheritance structure of Template Toolkit objects.

print "Just another Perl hacker,";

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