I just ran this production release on a test system running Ubuntu 
Linux 18.04.01 on Intel amd64 hardware with mod_perl2 v2.0.10, 
OpenSSL v1.1.1, and Apache HTTPd v2.4.29.  All results confirm as OK.

        I'll run this test on other platforms including NetBSD over the next 
few days, but will only report back if I encounter any problems.

        ModPerl 2 is important to me as I use it in nearly all of the 
web-based projects I'm involved in.  I appreciate all the hard work 
that goes into keeping this high quality module current.  Thank you.

> We are pleased to announce the release of Apache-Test 1.41.
> Apache::Test is a test toolkit for testing an Apache server with any
> configuration. It works with Apache 1.3 and Apache 2.0/2.2/2.4 and any
> of its modules, including mod_perl 1.0 and 2.0. It was originally
> developed for testing mod_perl 2.0.
> This release is now, or soon will be, available for download from your
> favourite CPAN mirror or you can find it at:
>     https://metacpan.org/release/Apache-Test
> Checksums for this release are:
> MD5  = 0ea5f076e8aabd30f27384460b85c457
> SHA1 = dc89d4669f356d5a8545ddb545385ec7b0772e93
> Major changes in this release are as follows:
> Set DefaultStateDir for > 2.5.1 and add -t_state to override. [jorton]
> Inherit config via IncludeOptional as well as Include. [jorton]
> Increase size of MinSpare, MaxSpare and MaxClients to improve httpd
> test framework runs with worker and preform MPMs. [rjung]
> Changed the openssl version detection to work with other *SSL libraries. 
> [icing]
> Switch test framework from using Net::SSL for raw TLS sockets to
> IO::Socket::SSL. [rjung]
> Fix mod_ssl tests under OpenSSL 1.1.1 / TLSv1.3. [jorton]
> Add cwd to generated lib path in TEST script since Perl >=5.26 don't
> do that any more. [jorton]
> Override loglevel to trace8 if running in 2.4. [covener]
> Allow an empty PREFIX. [sf]
> Add need_min_apache_fix(). [covener]

Randolf Richardson - rand...@inter-corporate.com
Inter-Corporate Computer & Network Services, Inc.
Beautiful British Columbia, Canada

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