On Wed, 31 Jul 2019 at 19:40, Thorsten Schöning <tschoen...@am-soft.de> wrote:
> Guten Tag Steve Hay,
> am Mittwoch, 31. Juli 2019 um 19:48 schrieben Sie:
> > I ran into this myself recently.
> Do you see anything like a timeout happening as well or is your test
> app failing fast?
> > https://bz.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=51560
> At least in my case I'm not using any Active Directory, everything is
> local and client-side. Additionally, I was not running any virus
> scanner during my tests, Windows Defender has been disabled using
> group policies.
> What I do use is a junction to my web app, but changing my hard-coded
> path to the junction target in my PoC doesn't seem to change a thing.
> I still get the same error.
> > Sadly, there is no response from APR-Dev about this yet.
> So how about considering changing FINFO_NORM in RegistryLoader than? I
> don't see any usage of groups and stuff like that whcih might not be
> available using plain stat.

Sorry for the very slow response on this.

I wasn't seeing any timeout, just test failures in t\apr-ext\finfo.t
and t\apr\finfo.t, but I hadn't been running the ModPerl-Registry
tests because the test suite bailed out due to earlier failures!

Running those explicitly (after dealing with a dot-in-INC problem
which that uncovered; now resolved in
http://svn.apache.org/viewvc?rev=1865414&view=rev) I did indeed then
see a timeout -- the server for those tests refused to start up.

Switching NORM to MIN fixes that. I've now gone through the rest of
the mod_perl source and made other similar changes, and where many
stat fields are actually required I've stuck with NORM but switched
off the PROT bits since it's only GPROT and WPROT that seem to be
causing us problems: See

I now have t\apr-ext\finfo.t and t\apr\finfo.t passing and all
ModPerl-Registry tests passing. There are still some other failures,
but not related to this apr_stat() trouble -- they're all failures
since in 2.0.10 on Windows 7, nothing new to 2.0.11-to-be and Windows

I will need to get a new Apache-Test released with the dot-in-INC fix
included, and then I'm back on track for getting 2.0.11 RC1 out :-)

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