On Oct 20, 2019, at 7:35 PM, Edward J. Sabol <edwardjsa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I've successfully ported Apache2::AuthCookieDBI's group
> authorization to work with Apache 2.4.x. It works on my system, and I am
> now looking at submitting a pull request on GitHub for this issue.

In case anyone is interested:

I could still use answers to the following questions:

> [...] what's the best way to determine the Apache version in
> non-testsuite code? Should I use Apache::Test's have_min_apache_version()
> regardless?
> Apache2::AuthCookieDBI stashes the valid/authorized group in
> $r->subprocess_env('AUTH_COOKIE_DBI_GROUP') so that higher-level interface
> code can reference it. To eliminate multiple database queries for the same
> request (at one point, I was seeing 4+ requests per request since the URL
> was a directory and Apache was authz'ing the directory and then the
> index.html in that directory), I was wondering if checking for the presence
> of $r->subprocess_env('AUTH_COOKIE_DBI_GROUP') and using that instead of
> querying the database again was secure? It all seems to work in my testing
> and it drastically cuts down on repeated database queries, but I'm worried I
> might be doing something insecure.


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