I share my kudos for the efforts of Steve Hay and others like him.

and of course to Andre Warnier, a frequent and valuable contributor to this

I love mod_perl. Speeding up scripts was what first attracted me. But
developing web apps using the Apache API is what keeps me using.

Many thanks, and kind regards,

Russell Lundberg
Denver, Colorado +1 (808) 217-6975
Follow me on LinkedIn <https://th.linkedin.com/in/russelllundberg> | Twitter
<https://twitter.com/intent/follow?screen_name=telecomvoices> | Let's talk
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On Tue, Mar 9, 2021 at 11:08 AM André Warnier (tomcat/perl) <a...@ice-sa.com>

> Many thanks.
> Nowadays, we tend to deal increasingly with Linux servers rather than
> Win32/64, but it is
> nice anyway that someone cares for this, as we still have some customers
> with legacy Win
> servers that they want to keep and update from time to time.
> (And it is also nice for our development/support workstations).
> We have quite a few real-world applications based on perl and mod_perl,
> which in
> themselves have been running reliably for years without any needed changes
> due to perl itself.
> But we do get in trouble from time to time because customers insist on
> changing the
> platform on which these applications are running.
> By the way, and in the somewhat OT gist of the discussions about perl's
> evolution, I feel
> that there is one argument about perl that is being consistently
> overlooked and/or
> undervalued :
> The fact that applications written in perl many years ago (as much as 20
> years sometimes),
> are still running unchanged today, despite numerous changes of versions,
> platforms, OS'es
> etc.. (*)
> I do not think that there is *any* other current programming language (or
> "framework")
> which equals that record.
> This may sound a bit like a "dinosaur" argument, but just think of all
> the  time and
> resources (and thus ultimately, money) which people programming in other
> languages have
> had to spend during the same period, just to keep the same things running,
> and you can get
> a measure of perl's "productivity" in comparison.
> I totally understand the desire of some to modernise perl and make it more
> attractive to
> new generations of programmers. But it would be a shame if in the process,
> perl (5,7) lost
> this rather unique quality and positioning.
> P.S. And of course, that longevity and stability of perl, is all to the
> credit of people
> like you, who have been supporting and maintaining it over the years, for
> (in my view)
> much too little public recognition and reward in the end.
> (*) a bit more on topic : the most "traumatic" events in those many years
> as far as our
> perl programming was concerned, have been the changes from Apache 1.x to
> 2.0, and later
> the changes from 2.2 to 2.4 in terms of AAA. (So, not in perl itself, but
> in the way it
> interacts with Apache).
> I think that nothing else really "registered", even over many OSes such as
> all the
> versions of Windows-es, SunOS, Solaris, HP/UX, AIX, Unix-es, Linux, to
> name only the few
> which I remember running our applications on. Applications of which we
> only ever needed
> one version, running everywhere.
> On 05.03.2021 13:12, Steve Hay wrote:
> > For those who are interested, I have uploaded a 64-bit build of
> > mod_perl-2.0.11 and libapreq2-2.15 components compatible with Apache
> > Lounge 2.4.46 (Win64, VC16, built 18 February 2021) and Strawberry
> > Perl (64bit).
> >
> > You can download it from: https://people.apache.org/~stevehay/
> >
> > The SHA1 digest is: 33e231eb91901007e25fd78eb5643901672c519b
> >
> > Regards,
> > Steve
> >

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