Thank you for this interesting addition.
When you write on prepan regarding SSI that "[w]hile you can technically
include <head> elements in your header file, they will be placed in the
body of the HTML page and not in the head." I would have to disagree.
With SSI you can include a file anywhere.

However, I agree "it is useful for adding headers and footers to a large
number of pre-existing static HTML pages" although arguably if they are
static why not just pre-process them once and for all ?

P.S.: I am the author of Apache2::SSI

Jacques Deguest

On 2021/04/25 1:30, John A wrote:
> Hi,
> I've created a mod_perl module called Apache::Inject that I've recently
> put up on PrePAN [1].  It is my first Perl module, so I'd be grateful for
> any comments.
> [1]
>     Apache::Inject - Apache directive for injecting HTML headers and footers
>       DocumentRoot /uar/local/www/apache24/data
>       PerlModule Apache::Inject
>       <Directory /usr/local/www/apache24/data>
>           Inject head.html foot.html
>       </Directory>
> Best regards
> John

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