On 22.12.2021 15:38, John Dunlap wrote:
"An essential part of mod_perl (and something for which I believe there is
no equivalent in
*any* language), is the ability to insert itself deeply into Apache httpd,
and controlling
what happens inside httpd at virtually any stage of an HTTP request

Like this?

Ok, I stand corrected. So, perl or lua (or C of course; I should have limited my statement to "interpreted languages").
I don't know lua, but it sounds worth investigating.

Now, the second-level reason why we are using mod_perl is of course perl itself, and the very rich CPAN add-on module library which goes with it, and which of course you can /combine/ with mod_perl to do interesting things.
Does lua have anything similar ? (not immediately evident as per the lua 

Note : since this is a mod_perl list, and since I presume we'd all be happier if there was more consciousness and more usage of mod_perl, how come mod_lua has its own dedicated page *within* the Apache httpd documentation, but mod_perl does not ?
(There could at least be a stub leading to 

On Wed, Dec 22, 2021 at 8:45 AM André Warnier (tomcat/perl) <a...@ice-sa.com>

On 22.12.2021 13:19, Wes Peng wrote:
Raku has its own WSGI httpserver?

Yes, as there are several similar things for Apache/perl (such as

But these frameworks only do *partially* what mod_perl allows one to do.

An essential part of mod_perl (and something for which I believe there is
no equivalent in
*any* language), is the ability to insert itself deeply into Apache httpd,
and controlling
what happens inside httpd at virtually any stage of an HTTP request

This page : https://perl.apache.org/docs/2.0/user/handlers/http.html
contains a diagram of all the "phases" which a HTTP request goes through
in Apache httpd.
WSGI/PSGI Frameworks give you access to what happens in the bottom
"response" block.
mod_perl gives you access to what happens in *all* the blocks.

For many developers, being able to act at the Response stage is enough,
and in such a
case, they will be happy with what a WSGI/PSGI/proxy solution provides.

However, if you want to do deeper things within Apache httpd (such as for
instance create
your own authentication/authorization mechanism, or creating your own
filters), and you want to do that using perl as a language, then mod_perl
is your thing.

Has anyone considered having a mod_raku version of mod_perl?

Merry Christmas to all.


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