you're right, jimmy became a mod to get shat on by his
friends, insult the aceface, and almost drive his
scooter off a cliff in the north of england, just like
the rest of us, right??

--- Seth Osmun <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Sorry if I seemed like I was on a pulpit, but I'm
> sick of Davy shitting on 
> people on this list. Obvious this is not a "Mods
> List" It is for the most 
> part a bunch of prissy rich fucks with too much
> spare time on their hands 
> who don't give a shit about anybody but themselves.
> And yes Seamus I 
> contemplated shaving my head and telling you all on
> this list to fuck off, 
> but seeing as that would've been to much fun for
> people here, I declined. 
> When I got into this subculture I expected some
> comraderie with people who 
> loved the same things I did and had a flare for the
> unconventional and 
> stylish..obviously that wasn't realistic. So I leave
> you all to whatever you 
> do best, bitching or intellectualizing, and say
> win..i'm sick of 
> fighting..this isn't what I became a Mod for...JIMMY
> Regrettably,
> Oz
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