You  know - this aversion everyone has for Toronto -s
getting tiresome....really...I mean every week I see
twenty to thirty advertisements for different clubs in
diffeent cities - are you going to this rally - are
you going to this cool groovy soul night - Las Vegas
Grind this - and 6699 that - and everybody talks about
everything everywhere - and that is as it should be -
its the internationalistic facet of Mod that being
jetset and in the know is all about - but for some
reason - perhaps because its not in the UK or the US
or somewhere chic and European - Toronto (sorry - I
said the 'T' word) isn't a worthy topic of discussion
for the 'Modlist'. 

Y'know, half the people on this list - regardless of
the exact extent of their musical knowledge - or
fashion tastes - are pretty fuckin cool - and seem to
know 'where its at' - as for the rest of you... maybe
you should just start a 'Down With Toronto' List and
hang out with other people that don't go anywhere or
do anything or search out new experiences and vibes
and sensations and trancendental realities and....what
am I talking about?  I don't want those people to come
here!   Its better that they slag us - and never enter
the country - they'd just bring everyone else down -
and kill the

Don't ever talk about New York, L.A., London, San
Fransisco, Chicago, Boston, Manchester, Liverpool, or
anywhere else for that matter - coz we are only
allowed to talk about clothes, music, scooters, and
whether or not skinhead can be mods. the
fuck do I get off this list...I've tried four times...


--- Yosi Sergant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >ooooooooooooooooh soul fire (what is that? a
> superhero comic?!)...
> >There's nothing wrong with my tennis shorts.
> >I look dead sexy in them.
> >I've got a great arse and VERY nice legs.
> >If you want proof - that can be arranged.
> I am about to piss my pants.  More! More!  This is
> what we need on this 
> list.  When I started coming here there was talk of
> cloning Paul... Lets put 
> this plan into action.  This is where modslist
> discussion should be 
> going...not toronto!!
> >
> >If anyone deserves to be on the bad sushi list it's
> you.
> Thanks, but I'm a vegitarian.
> soul'i love you paul'fire
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