are you going to compile a list of modlisters who are
allowed to make fun of you?

--- Paul Secular <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In response to Matt's comments...
> 1) Yes I know Mark is British - the fact that I
> mentioned Americans in the 
> same post was not meant to imply I believed Mark to
> be American!! It was 
> rather an example of where his comment actually (to
> some extent!) holds 
> true!
> In reality though mod and square are completely
> opposite terms.
> 2) I thought Mark was being serious 'cause based on
> his posts he doesn't 
> seem particularly bright...... or maybe I've been
> missing his 'humour'? I 
> don't think so............. most of his posts seem
> to be particularly poor 
> attempts at taking the piss out of me. I don't mind
> piss-taking so much when 
> it's actually *funny* (Dominic or Andy for
> example...)
> ---
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