The Pete & Dud sketch "Superthunderstingcar" that Bill Luther mentioned is 
absolutely hilarous - and by far my fave Anderson work (even though he had 
little beyond inspiration, to do with it).  It is also one of the few 
sketches from their 60s TV series that survived the BBC and it's dodgy 
archives.  It was included on the viddie "The Best of...What's Left 
of...Peter Cook & Dudley Moore" that was on wide-release a few years ago.  I 
just checked and they still have it listed as for sale.

The (almost now legendary) Who BBC compilation release has again been pushed 
back - to February 2000, still without a finalised track listing.  All of 
which means don't expect it anytime soon.

All right kids, back to the bickering and matching of the wits that makes 
this list what it is - and keeps me laughing day in and day out.


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