Anakin/Chad - look, some music is just plain bad. I can identify with the
nostalgia part (I just scored 10/10 tonight on the 80s round in the works
pub quiz, to my surprise and shame) but a lot of that stuff I didn't like
then, and I don't like now, not least because it's kitschly remembered while
everything I felt to be decent (pre-Stone Roses) is forgotten. It's not some
guilty secret that I liked some of those tracks when I was 13, and it's not
that I'm embarassed about it either, because I WAS 13 then (I liked The
Style Council too) it's just that they are SHIT records, and you have to
question why people want to wallow in their own shit, 15 years on. The
equivalent would be us all going down '60s nite' and dancing to 'In the year
2525'. . .
(this is where Abigail and Matt list exactly how many 'mod-cheese' tracks I
played last time at Brighton Beach - Hombres, Shadows Of Knight, First

Katrina said
>Because bomp ranges across a range of styles and everyone on there is happy
>to do that while everyone always argues about what mod is, which is where
Well yeah, agreed - the thing I guess Bomp has, is a much stronger sense of
common ground?

>seems cool (Stereolab... er, hang on, I'll think of something - Eternal!)
>isn't seen to be mod.
Partly because it isn't. Though we chase our own tails here - mod music
being what mods like (as opposed to indie kids, 60s beat kids, dance kids,
etc, like and of course there being no strict border).

>Air: Brakes On
Is that a new track/EP?

'The music was CRAP. The haircuts were CRAP. The clothes were CRAP'.

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